V-Day Weekend with Hotbox

Hello angels! We have an absolute chock-a-block week coming up, full of fun, friends, and of course *fresh vintage finds*—read on below!

Looking for a super special gift, or even just a fabulous outfit? We’ve really outdone ourselves this year sourcing the sweetest vintage clothing, jewelry, accessories, AND housewares in every shade of red and pink out there. A heart-shaped this, a heart-shaped that? We have it ALL. Take a look in the shop or online at HotboxVintage.com and get ready to fall in love ❤︎


South Pas Winter Arts Crawl

Saturday, February 11th


What could be more romantic than a stroll around your favorite small town? South Pasadena is going to be in full swing up and down Mission Street for the Winter Arts Crawl, a free event full of art exhibitions, live music, open houses, and more! At Hotbox we’ll have our very own team of Cupids standing by ready to deliver a candy-gram to the lucky Valentine (or Valentines 👀) of your choice. Who will you send one to? You can tell us, we won’t be jealous (that’s a lie, we absolutely will be.)

Also, The Boho Glow is bringing jewelry as a second skin to Hotbox for the Arts Crawl! Besties can get matching welded friendship bracelets. 


Friends & Lovers Market @Proud Mary Fashion in Highland Park

Sunday, February 12th


This love-fest just keeps going! This Sunday we’ll be joining our friends and local faves Proud Mary Fashion just over the bridge in Highland Park for their Friends & Lovers Market! They’re hosting so many cool vendors, from vintage slingers like ourselves to floral artists and treat makers—even a tattoo flash artist! There’ll be a DJ and a photo booth, and it’s all in a nice spacious outdoor area—it honestly sounds like the best festival that’ll happen all year. So come out, take a turn on the dance floor, take a pic, and who knows—you might end the day getting a matching tattoo with someone.


That’s all for now, but honestly we’re just getting started. So keep an eye on your inbox, and on our IG page—whatever’s happening, you’ll always be the first to know ❤︎

x HB