Hello angels! We have an absolute chock-a-block week coming up, full of fun, friends, and of course *fresh vintage finds*—read on below!
Looking for a super special gift, or even just a fabulous outfit? We’ve really outdone ourselves this year sourcing the sweetest vintage clothing, jewelry, accessories, AND housewares in every shade of red and pink out there. A heart-shaped this, a heart-shaped that? We have it ALL. Take a look in the shop or online at HotboxVintage.com and get ready to fall in love ❤︎

South Pas Winter Arts Crawl
Saturday, February 11th
What could be more romantic than a stroll around your favorite small town? South Pasadena is going to be in full swing up and down Mission Street for the Winter Arts Crawl, a free event full of art exhibitions, live music, open houses, and more! At Hotbox we’ll have our very own team of Cupids standing by ready to deliver a candy-gram to the lucky Valentine (or Valentines 👀) of your choice. Who will you send one to? You can tell us, we won’t be jealous (that’s a lie, we absolutely will be.)
Also, The Boho Glow is bringing jewelry as a second skin to Hotbox for the Arts Crawl! Besties can get matching welded friendship bracelets.
Friends & Lovers Market @Proud Mary Fashion in Highland Park
Sunday, February 12th
This love-fest just keeps going! This Sunday we’ll be joining our friends and local faves Proud Mary Fashion just over the bridge in Highland Park for their Friends & Lovers Market! They’re hosting so many cool vendors, from vintage slingers like ourselves to floral artists and treat makers—even a tattoo flash artist! There’ll be a DJ and a photo booth, and it’s all in a nice spacious outdoor area—it honestly sounds like the best festival that’ll happen all year. So come out, take a turn on the dance floor, take a pic, and who knows—you might end the day getting a matching tattoo with someone.